Learning styles

Learning style is a strictly individual process by which each individual receives, processes, stores and reproduces information. In general, learning styles can be distinguished as visual style, auditory style and kinesthetic style.

Each style has its own characteristics and aids the assimilation of information

  • Visual Style – People with this style process new information best when it is presented through images, drawings, graphs, charts, maps, or other visual means. Information presented in this way is quickly memorized and reproduced by means of visual memory.
  • Auditory Style – People with this style process new information best when it is spoken out loud, such as during a lecture or conversation. They can easily remember exactly what others have said
  • Kinestic Style – People with this style perceive and process information by doing, not by showing or telling. This type of learner easily remembers things they have done as opposed to what they have heard, seen or read.