Psychodiagnostics is a process of preparing a comprehensive assessment of the current mental functioning by means of tools that reveal the individual and unique traits of the character and individual features of the personality.
There are various diagnostic methods and tools:
- Personality questionnaires – personality assessment tests, self-assessment tests, short psychological questionnaire A. Kokoshkarova, test for social anxiety thoughts, test for determining the Beck depression scale, scale for determining the level of impulsivity, Zung self-assessment questionnaire for depression and anxiety, CARs-2 Rating Scale for Childhood Autism etc.
- Projective tests – Rorschach inkblot test, TAT test, Rosenzweig picture-frustration test, drawing “House, tree, man”, drawing “My family”, etc.
- Psychometric tests – Raven’s IQ test, tests to measure the level of cognitive processes, memory, elementary school readiness test, etc.